Final Rule: Revision of the Commission’s Auditor Independence Requirements; File No S7-13-00

Which Statement Best Describes The Sec Rules Relating To Bookkeeping Services

If an adviser avails itself of the audit provision, then it does not need to comply with the notice and account statement delivery obligations of the Custody Rule, and the adviser is considered to have satisfied the surprise examination requirement of the Custody Rule. It is important to know that a liquidation audit must also be conducted, subject to same conditions, should the PIV terminate. Failure to receive a final termination audit would be a violation of the Custody Rule requirements. Investment advisers should remember that the audit provision imposes an annual audit obligation. Therefore, a separate audit is required for partial-year stub periods (e.g., for new fund launches on a date other than January 1) in order to rely on the audit provision.

Which Statement Best Describes The Sec Rules Relating To Bookkeeping Services

Because the restrictions embodied in these provisions now more closely parallel current restrictions, we assume that accountants currently comply with them. The largest firms’ independence policies and procedures must be reduced to writing. As we stated in the Proposing Release, we expect the policies and procedures to be comprehensive, to cover all professionals in the accounting firm, and to address all aspects of independence, including financial, employment, and business relationships, as well as fee arrangements. We are persuaded that relying on a firewalls approach is also unworkable.

Cash Basis Accounting

We also believe that an accountant should not negotiate regarding the contents of a compensation package the accountant has designed. Accordingly, in light of the comments received, we have modified the final rule, and final Rule 2-01(c)(4)(vii) more closely parallels the SECPS rules. In the Proposing Release we noted that we were inclined not to follow the AICPA rule on internal audit outsourcing because we believed that, in providing such services, the auditor assumed a management function and, in the course of the audit, would have to review his or her own work.

Which Statement Best Describes The Sec Rules Relating To Bookkeeping Services

A customer may not pay for the service on the day it was provided. Even though the customer has not yet paid cash, there is a reasonable expectation that the customer will pay in the future. Since the company has provided the service, it would recognize the revenue as earned, even though cash has yet to be collected. It’s critical to confirm financial arrangements are permitted by independence regulations and PwC policy. Permissibility must be determined before entering into a new financial arrangement or making changes to an existing financial arrangement.

Who has to maintain personal independence?

With respect to the claim that synergies are created by the auditor’s provision of both audit and non-audit services, research on the evidence of such synergies is inconclusive.678 Moreover, the recent sales or proposed sales by large accounting firms of their consulting divisions679 suggest that audit firms’ provision of at least certain non-audit services creates, at most, limited synergies. Some commenters disagreed that this rule would clarify independence requirements for public accounting firms.569 These commenters argued that the rule creates confusion and therefore increases the amount of time that accounting firms, and others, will need to spend on compliance.570 We disagree. As discussed above, in response to comments, we have made significant modifications that clarify the rule’s requirements. We believe that, as modified, this rule will centralize and clarify independence requirements and thus result in increased certainty, resulting in a benefit to public accounting firms.

How does the SEC regulate GAAP?

While GAAP itself is not government-regulated, it exists because of the combined efforts of government and business. The use of GAAP is not mandatory for all businesses, but SEC requires publicly traded and regulated companies to follow GAAP for the purpose of financial reporting.

In response to a Commissioner’s question about the source of non-audit service revenues, Mr. Butler commented that any statement attributing a percent of non-audit services to SEC audit clients for his firm would be difficult to interpret. 372 We note in this regard, that if an acquisition individually, and when aggregated with other acquisitions reflected in the financial statements, is immaterial to the audit client’s financial statements, then assisting in the allocation of the purchase price would not fall within the conditions of the rule and therefore would not be deemed to impair the auditor’s independence. 332 The AICPA recommended that the rule apply to all professional employees of the accounting firm, not just to partners, shareholders, and principals. We agree and, therefore, have modified the final rule to encompass this situation. See also Letter of Britton Davis (Aug. 14, 2000) (“I have witnessed several instances of `rolling over’ on issues that affected our clients, for no other reason than the apparent conflict sticking to our guns would have caused (thus threatening our revenue stream).”); see also Testimony of Charles R. Drott, CPA, CFA (Sept. 13, 2000) (“My overall conclusion…

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When an accountant “closes the books,” they endorse the relevant financial records. These records may then be used in official financial reports such as balance sheets and income statements. In common usage, capital (abbreviated “CAP.”) refers to any asset or resource a business can use to generate revenue. A second definition considers capital the level of owner investment in the business.

Which Statement Best Describes The Sec Rules Relating To Bookkeeping Services

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